by Jackie Gaskins
I am feeding my love of life by dedicating my life to serve God and young girls. I was a teenage runaway in High School. I grew up in a great home. I had very loving parents. I got good grades, played sports, and eventually was taken to church. I let the things of this world draw me away from all of this. I became rebellious and miserable. I thought of suicide but was too scared to follow through. Thank God! I
had praying parents that NEVER gave up on me though discouraged and disappointed in me.
God is faithful to the prayers of the righteous. He chased after me. I KNEW He was there. I would have a wave of conviction come over me when at a party or when about to do something that I should not. I literally called home one time to ask if they were praying for me and "as a matter of fact" they had people over that were praying over my room as we spoke. I KNEW it. I could feel those prayers. Those prayers saved my life! I went home for selfish reasons, but I was home. That summer I asked God to show me if He was real. I needed a life change. He revealed Himself to me. I knew that He was real and for the first time I truly took the hand of my Savior and started our dance. It was not an immediate deliverance from all things and I was NOT perfect but I had a hold of my deliverer. He was starting to lead me in a dance that has continued to this day. I am in the process of writing my second book (first a children's book) that is about this process that I call "Dancing with My Daddy". My dance now is so different from our beginning steps. I now rest my head on His chest surrendering each step to his leading. I love to hear His breath that breathes life into me. This dance is now one of encouraging others to join along and to find their dance.
In May of 2011, my children's book, The Four Princesses was released by my publishing company Boutique of Quality Books. This story was told to me as I slept. After hearing it a couple of times, I arose and saved it on my computer as the words flowed from my heart. When my husband's alarm rang that morning, it was complete. I showed him what the Lord had given me and we knew it was a book for young girls to encourage them. This book birthed a nonprofit outreach for young girls. We started it this past fall. Our vision is to pour into these girls of all ages and let them know that they have a Father that loves them. He created them with gifts and purposes to be used for His glory. When we use these gifts with all of those that we come in contact with, we can change and bless our families, friends, and communities. We desire for these girls to find their identity in Christ and not the things of this world. They live in the world but they have gifts to bless and change the world for the good. The Four Princesses book is all about the same thing. The Four Princesses, daughters of the King, have been given gifts to use and to
bless the nearby village in order to help set them free.
I guess you can say that the way that I am loving life and encouraging others to do the same is by writing, serving,speaking, and living for Christ. He has changed my life and my dance. I pray my dance will encourage others to take the steps to begin their dance. Their Father is holding out His hand and patiently awaiting the acceptance to His dance.
We have four Beautiful daughters and we pray they each surrender their lives to their Father. They are Princesses created with gifts and we desire to see their dances effect many for the good of our Father, the King.
Find out more about Jackie at
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